Tuesday, April 21, 2009

LOST questions

(Okay, so it's an older image. It just happened to feature eye candy front and center, plus Miles and Daniel.)

Over at EW.com, Doc Jensen has his review up of 'Some Like it Hoth'. There is a good reason why I don't do and will probably never touch trying to recap this show: He does it beautifully. Somehow he manages to ask all the right questions and give me a spring board for coming up with my own theories. I've linked you above to one of his theories in particular, but for the lazy clickers out there, I'll give you the quote:

Hurley tried to bond with Miles over their respective abilities to speak with
the dead, but snooty Straume believed his power was more impressively nuanced.
''You're just jealous my power is cooler than yours,'' Hurley replied.
Alright, so here's what I think. I think that the dead people Hurley sees (by my count that would be Charlie, Mr. Eko, Ana Lucia and Dave) are Smokey himself. For some reason the monster is shifting himself into those people, but for what? Why was he/it trying to help Hurley? Or was it? The reason I bring up Dave is because of the speculation I had way back in the day that Dave was Libby's dead husband. (You know, the one who had the boat which she gave to Desmond.)

If you can explain to me where I was going that, I'd be very grateful. All I know for sure is that the time Hurley was seeing Dave, Libby was in the nuthouse too, and then Libby and Dave were both on the island.

What are some of your more 'far out' ideas? Anyone have any speculation they want to share? Leave me comments, and I'll address your theories in my next post!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well, balls in your court, NBC

It seems to me that NBC doesn't actually care about ever being a reputable network again. First, they get rid of an hour of weeknight programming by putting Jay Leno on at 10/9 central. Does anyone actually want to see this guy at nine p.m.? Does anyone want to keep seeing him at all? You didn't see Johnny Carson crying for more air time when his time came to pass the torch. This is not how you slip into retirement, Leno. And how is the show even going to be any different? He's screwing Conan by getting all the good guests on his show so that Conan gets the leftovers. It's lame and I'm honestly hoping that it crash and burns. (Actually, if its ratings suck but the show stays on the air, it will prove once and for all that all the network cares about is money.)

Then, NBC decides to cancel Kings which is a damn shame because it's a brilliant show. I get that enough people aren't watching it but come on! You're airing it on Friday and now you're moving it to fucking SATURDAY.

I'm sorry, I don't normally curse like this in my blog but I can't even understand that network anymore. I'm pretty sure trained monkeys are making the decisions up there - it certainly isn't Jack Donaghy, is it?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Am I the only one?

Am I the only one, or did other people appreciate the U.S. remake of Life on Mars?

Maybe I'm biased here. Maybe it's because I never saw the British version of the show so I'm not jaded, but I loved this show. Well, maybe loved is too strong. But I greately enjoyed it, especially after LOST when my brain was already leaking from all the time travel theories flying around. I felt emotionally connected to the characters too, especially during the second to last episode 'Everyone Knows It's Wendy'. Why don't more people watch shows like this? Why do people keep watching Two and a Half Men? Why didn't more people watch Battlestar Galactica? LIFE'S MYSTERYS GUYS.

Am I the only one, or does American Idol truly suck now?

Back when the show first started and Kelly Clarkson was the winner, I don't think I'd even heard of this show. I didn't care and I didn't start caring until the third season. So, then I tuned in once we got past the auditions and down to the top six or so. Many people told me that I was missing something precious called audition week, so last year was the first year I actually watched the entire season. And you know, I wasn't disappointed. I liked David Cook well enough and there was actual talent. This year...this year I stopped. I haven't watched since Adam Lambert killed Ring of Fire. I have this gut feeling that if Johnny Cash weren't dead, he would have contemplated suicide. And Danny Gokey? Are you kidding me with this? And the blind guy? America, are you trying to tell me that all I need is some terrible sob story and I can get anything I want? There is no one this show this season that actually deserves to be called an American Idol. Watching for Paula's whacked out behavior used to be enough but not anymore. Now I actually understand why she's whacked out all the time.

Am I the only one, or are you tired of the Sarah/Chuck UST/angst on Chuck?

I understand. I get it it. The whole show is based on this pairing but it is beyond the point of beating a dead horse. The dead horse has been flogged over and over again and is ready to be put into the dehydrater to be made into horse jerky. I would much rather see the characters be quirky and fun than watch Mr. Bartwoski pine for the woman he apparently can't have or Captain Awesome and Ellie work out their insecurities. I stopped watching the show about three weeks before the super bowl and last week thought I would tune in (only because Tricia Helfer was guest starring). Within ten to fifteen minutes I was reminded why I stopped watching. Between Ellie crying over Awesome because he does what most guys do at their bachelor party, and Sarah throwing eye daggers and Tricia Helfer's character (who was sent in because it's starting to become obvious ONLY NOW to everyone that Sarah has feelings for Chuck) I was done by the halfway mark. Sorry, Chuck. I know that at times it can be cute but I'm over the romance part of it.